This is one of the worst things that could ever happen to you. Firstly, this is not even a bad movie, it's downright horrible. From the start till the end credits it's one hell of a viewing experience.
Suresh 'Thokku' Gopi portrays two different personalities of the same character separated by time and space. And no surprises, one of them is a dynamic cop. This prompts us to raise the fundamental question. Will we ever get to see a 'Thokku' movie where he doesn't don a cop's uniform along with the omnipresent gun.
'Thokku' tries hard to invoke laughter by engaging the other personality, a dark-skinned, long-haired retard, with an accented speech but succeeds only in irritating the viewer further. Incidentally, this dark complexion is one of the two results of a blow he suffered at the hands of the villains. The other one being a loss of memory!
Meena plays a doc who has post graduation from an American university but prefers black magic along with her ayurvedic-medico mentor. Well, while treating the reatarded 'Thokku' they unwittingly unleash a Pandora's Box and forces us through this excruitiatingly painful watch.
* Watch out for the court-room sequences. You may not get to see more ridiculous judicial stuff anywhere. I got up from my seat and banged my head (literally) on the wall while watching one of those scenes.
Rating: Five Rotten Eggs
Verdict: Definitely on top of the list of all time bad movies in Malayalam.