Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer, Tony Scott, Jerry Bruckheimer - names which are unlikely to be featured in this column, you may think. But then, Deja Vu is one tedious exercise which stings your eyes and chokes your breath making you wish you were reading a badly written thesis on rocket science instead.
We are told that there is a program which renders images from different sources to reconstruct events from four and a half days ago. So, instead of investigating an explosion that happened on a ferry, and a naval one at that, our protagonists stay glued to a screen going over whatever has happened in the days that led up to the big bang. Since those electronic eyes can see through walls, we get to see the most intimate of moments from a citizen's life without so much as a minor fuss on violation of privacy. Well, just as I thought that I was peeping at recent history of a woman along with our central cast of characters, she blinks her eyes when Washington flashes a torch at the screen. An avalanche of technical bullshit breaks out from the mouth of a geek following this and soon we get to see Denzel Washington getting ready to go back to the past and to change the future.I don't particularly have a problem with time travel. Despite many glitches I have enjoyed movies like 'Time Cop' at its time. But let me admit that this one is a painful watch. Please shed your 'fan' tag of the above-mentioned personalities while attempting to watch this.
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