The movie begins with the statement that the 'world has ended', but, we never get to see how it happened. Anyway, scientists and architects meet in a secret location and lock the 'fate of mankind' in a box to 'protect the future generations from sorrow about what they have lost'. They sets the box to 200 years and give it to the first Mayor of the Underground City. Soon, the narrative skips two centuries and we get to see a city illuminated with bulbs all around which are powered by a great Generator. However, frequent blackouts have been happening like never before and everyone in the city is alarmed.

As expected, the box of secrets ends up in the hands of a young girl who is the descendant of the Seventh Mayor and it is up to her and her friend (in pic) to find answers to a lot of questions. The boy works in the Boiler and finds his way to the generator while the girl who works as a Messenger and pin points the current Mayor as culprit. When they do find a way out of this City, any viewer wouldn't feel amused at the bumpy ride.
To the revered film makers of Hollywood, please dont make any movies of this ilk. For the sake of mankind.
You are right I've already seen this movie, and still in my hard disk.. and im gonna delete it after reading your review.. especially the last comment.. FOR THE SAKE OF MANKIND